
PeopleDotCom brings together specialists in human-centred design, digital technology adoption and systems thinking to help social impact organisations do things better. 

We help teams and organisations make the best of your existing assets and improvement processes, by combining them with deeply empathic design thinking methods and tools. We support the NHS as well third and public sector organisations and social purpose startups.

PeopleDotCom was founded by Victoria Betton. As our name suggests, we are all about technology enabling people to do good things. An author and public speaker, Victoria is a qualified social worker and coach with 20+ year’s experience in the NHS, local government, third sector and digital health startups.

She previously founded mHabitat, a successful NHS hosted digital health consultancy and Co>Space North, a tech for good collaboration space.

You can find out more about Victoria here and listen to a podcast in which she talks about her journey here.